
SOMP Regional Meeting, Latin America version, which will be held in Medellin, Colombia between May 26th and 28th, 2016

Dear colleagues,

We are inviting you to participate in the fourth SOMP Regional Meeting, Latin America version, which will be held in Medellin, Colombia between May 26th and 28th, 2016.

The Society of Mining Professors / Societät der Bergbaukunde (SOMP) is an active society representing the worldwide academic community committed to making a significant contribution to the future of mining disciplines. The main objective of the society is to ensure the scientific, technical, academic and professional knowledge need to ensure a sustainable supply of minerals to mankind.

This regional meeting of SOMP in Latin America aims to bring the academic mining community and foster growth and collaboration, like to facilitate the exchange of information, research, teaching and collaborative activities among its members.

We believe that this regional meeting would be an excellent opportunity to strengthen the undergraduate and graduate programs in the area of Mineral Resources, the related research groups and a strategy to strengthen mining research in the region in the area of Geology, Mining and Metallurgy.

In parallel to the SOMP Regional Meeting, the XIX version of the Colombian Mining Congress will be held, “Contributing to the sustainable development of the mining in Colombia”, which includes topics around the mining business in: knowledge and technical management, underground works, environment, relationship with communities, policy and regulation.

Registration fees:The participation fee is funded entirely by the National University of Colombia through the School of Mines. All those attending the meeting SOMPLatin America are also invited to participate in the Colombian Mining Congress and their participation as speakers at the event will have no cost.

Organizing Committee:

Universidad Nacional de Colombia:

                Prof. Oscar Jaime Restrepo, e-mail:

                Prof. Oswaldo Bustamante, e-mail:

                Prof. Alejandro Delgado, e-mail:

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú:

                Prof. Mario Cedrón Lassus, e-mail:

Virginia Tech:

                Prof. Michael Karmis,

Secretary-General Society of Mining Professors (SOMP)

                Prof. Bruce Hebblewhite,

Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena

Ingeniero de Minas y Metalurgia


Profesor Titular

Departamento de Materiales y Minerales

Facultad de Minas

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Teléfono 57-4-4309290

Fax 57-4-4309149


 English-BrochureSOMPRegional meetingV3



CCM | Congreso Colombiano de Minería

CCM | Congreso Colombiano de Minería:

Mining meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions, Leipzig, Germany, 11-15.07.2015

Submit your abstracts now!

The Call for Abstracts is still open!

The deadline has been extended to December 14, 2015!
If you would like to present interesting, new developments or the results of your research in the context of IMWA2016’s Conference Themes, please submit your two-page abstract now!
Please upload your proposal here.